Landis Woods Nature Preschool
Located in Lancaster, PA
With Mother Nature as a teacher and the Great Outdoors as our classroom
Landis Woods Nature Preschool is a fully licensed preschool certified by the PA Department of Education for preschoolers ages 3 to 5.
We utilized the elementary entrance requirements of the Manheim Township School District to build our curriculum with Mother Nature as a teacher and the great outdoors as our classroom. This nature-based preschool focuses on immersing children in nature while preparing them for kindergarten. Our teacher and environmental education staff will use the Boettcher House Environmental Education Center as the home base and the 70-acre Landis Woods as the classroom.
For children turning age 3 by the August 31st prior to the start of school, our 3-year-old class meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9-11:30 AM. In the first year of our program we focus on building social skills and developing routine. After establishing a baseline, we focus on academics while beginning to explore the natural world and areas in close proximity to the preschool. All participants must be toilet trained.
Pre-K (4-Year-Olds)
For children turning 4 by the August 31st prior to the start of school, our Pre-K class meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from
9-11:30AM. In the second year of our program we have a heavier focus on academic skills as well as strengthening fine and gross motor skills. "Fun Fridays" help incorporate fun, hands-on STEM activities like tapping a maple tree or making ice cream from scratch. With our older class we have increased opportunities for exploration and make a point to visit the creek and observe new habitats! All participants must be toilet trained.
Mixed Age Afternoons
For children between the ages of 3 and 5 by the August 31st prior to the start of school. This class meets Monday through Friday afternoons from 12:30-3 PM. This class will focus on discovery and sensory based academics with whole child learning. In order to accommodate children at different stages of cognitive development, we encourage child-led (but teacher-facilitated) lessons and discussions with less emphasis on traditional academic structure. All participants must be toilet trained.